Amicalola Falls State Park - Dawsonville, GA - 10/4/2014
In short, love is everything that my life is about. Love is my identity. It is my surname. It reminds me of the most important thing in the world - family - both those biologically related to me and the one that I am building with my partner. The word love also reminds me of the type of person I want to be. I hope that every post on this site will be written with love, in love, and will stay true to who I am.
During the second year of medical school, my dearest friend Soohee and I decided to break up the monotony of studying in the medical school to go study outside. After being outside for at least an hour, he goes "Look! it's the sky!" We had been so tunneled vision that even though we were outside, we hadn't taken the time to admire the BEAUTIFUL day. Since that day, I have made an effort to look up at the sky. For me, the sky represents life outside of medicine. I spend a lot of time starring at the sky and thinking up big ideas. Much of my inspiration for this blog comes to me when Iām driving between Atlanta and Alabama with nothing but clear skies and mountains ahead of me.
Melville, North Carolina - 1/6/2015
So there you have it. I hope over time the name will come to mean as much to you as it does to me!