elyse + residency
I can’t believe that I’m entering the last two months of the first year of dermatology residency. With the excitement of completing this chapter comes the anxiety of “I’M NOT READY TO BE A SECOND YEAR.” Our second years are super smart and very, very good at dermatology (you guys follow Joyce @teawithmd right?), so it’s time for me to step my game up and learn, learn, learn!
I don’t know if I’ll ever feel that I know enough/am learning at a fast enough rate. It’s one of the daily stresses of residency and one of the hardest thing about post-exam life. There will always be more to learn and there will always be someone who knows more than me. It’s really hard to mentally be okay with that. I find myself frequently questioning my work ethic and my motivation. Being a "blogger" makes that anxiety worse because the truth is, I spend an insane amount of time on instagram. For that reason, I am considering saying goodbye to blogging..
elyse + blogging
Lately, I've been very stressed because I feel my message has lost its focus. I want to empower and educate, not just give off an image of shallowness and perfection. I've also had a lot of life changes in the past year. I joked the other day to a friend that "I feel like falling apart but my life is so perfect... it's like all the pieces of my life fell apart but then landed softly exactly where they belonged..." For this reason, I probably won't update the blog this summer. I need to take a little time to get a hold on my new, beautiful, but very different life.
Make sure you follow along on instagram!
Here are a few resources to keep you entertained while i'm gone:
- nextstepsinderm (this is a must use resource for all of my future derm residents/current derm residents!)
- teawithmd.com
- lauralacquer.com
- franishtheblog.com
- freudandfashion.com
elyse + culture
It’s finally Spring in NYC! I have been waiting on this for 2 months now. The trees haven’t quite budded yet, but there are fresh flowers planted all throughout the city. It seriously feels like a different city.
We celebrated the first warm weekend in quintessential New York fashion with brunch, rose, champagne, and a rooftop. Many more of these to come..

I've also spent a lot of time running in along the river and in Central Park - insanely beautiful!
elyse + style
Spring weather means flirty spring dresses. These Tobi dresses arrived in March and I've been waiting for a chance for finally wear them. It's finally warm enough! Tobi is a great website for cute, date night or day dresses and very reasonably priced! Both of the dresses below were just $58 but on sale for $40! The off the shoulder dress is definitely the it dress of the season, and the strappy dress of perfect for my upcoming beach trip!
elyse + glossier
Glossier released their lip gloss this month and I'm in love with it. My current favorite look is to layer it over Sephora very red matte lipstick with cloud paint in dusk. This is so spring/summer guys.
Other spring/summer go-tos: boy brow in clear, cloud paint in puff
elyse + love
It’s Spring and love is in the air <3.
I have almost announced this multiple times but then decided against it because I'm not sure how much I want my love life to be a part of my blog, but it also doesn't feel right to not share such a big part of my life with you guys - after all, that's what I signed up for.
I’ve been dating a very sweet, adorable, hot, smart guy for the past few months. I'm finally spilling the beans because I think he's a keeper. I'm sure you'll start to see him pop up on my insta feed in the coming months, and I know you'll grow to love him (He is maybe one of the most liked people I have ever met. Everyone adores him).
Have you listened to this playlist inspired by him? I make him a new playlist every month but this first one is still my absolute favorite.
Oh, he has a name -- Boz.
BTW - do you guys want to know something super adorable? You were there the first day I met him - on instastory! I had no idea at the time who he would eventually become to me.
alright, that's it!
Thank you again for taking the time to read this.
Follow along on instagram!